HARO Competition
The Houston Area Region Odyssey ("HARO") Competition takes place
on Saturday, February 22nd, 2025,
at Pershing Middle School, 3838 Blue Bonnet Drive, Houston TX..
This is an all-day event, followed by the Awards ceremony in the Gym at 6:30 pm.
Competitive Teams will be given two slots on the schedule,
one morning and one afternoon. Half the teams will do long-term then spontaneous,
the other half will do spontaneous, then long-term.
Documentation for the tournament will be updated below from early-February.
Refresh your browser to see latest changes!
02/04/25 We are actively working on the team schedule. It should be posted on this page by Feb 10th at the latest.
02/07/25 Published Weigh-In procedures for Problem 4 teams.
02/09/25 Tentative schedule for Primary teams is published. All schedules will be finalized by Feb 13th.
02/10/25 Tentative schedule for Competitive teams is published. All schedules will be finalized by Feb 13th. Teams without a judge will be given feedback but cannot advance to the State competition.
02/11/25 First draft of the Tournament Information Packet is published. A lot of details are still being ironed out. We will review the details and take questions at the Competition Walk-through tonight.
02/13/25 Announcement: We are looking at the weather forecast which is very inconsiderate at the moment for Feb 22nd. Plan B is being reviewed. You should expect some changes to the competition flow. We will make the final call on Feb 20th and share the information here, with updates to the “TIP” and maps as soon as soon as we can.
02/13/25 The searchable team schedule is updated. We do not anticipate any changes, barring serious weather issues. A separate printable version will follow which includes check-in time for each team, depending on their first competition slot (spontaneous or long-term).
02/15/25 Update to Problem 4 team schedule in order to correct the judge meal time. Several teams are impacted up to one hour. Please verify your team in the updated schedule.
02/16/25 Parking and Access map is available for download.
02/17/25 Team Certificate templates are ready. You can fill in student name, coach name and school, then print.
02/18/25 Printable team schedule is ready with every team’s check-in time and time then can offload props. Our intent is to let teams brings their props for a half day (8 am to noon and noon to 4 pm approx). However, if the weather pushes everyone indoors, we will ask that you hold props in your vehicles a little longer (per props schedule) if you are parked nearby. This will leave more room for people.
02/18/25 Tournament Program v.2 and HARO Visitor Guide are published. Information is subject to change pending weather updates.
02/18/25 We are starting to publish HARO Site Maps at Pershing. West Wing View v.1.
02/19/25 Announcement: We met with the hosting school and will visit tomorrow to finalize our “plan B” for the forecasted bad weather. What we expect to be impacted is: a) the Waiting area is moving indoors, b) the location of certain competition venues, and c) the process for props. Information will be posted here on Thursday evening after the final walk-through. Maps, schedule and TIP will bear the notice “Updated for Plan B”. From the team side, SCHEDULES DO NOT CHANGE, we will ask you to bring some camping chairs for adults to use in the large gym.
02/21/25 Printable Team Schedule v.8 with minor corrections to check-in times for some late teams that showed 1:30 pm check-in incorrectly after spontaneous.
02/21/25 Tournament Information Packet v.2 and Tournament Program v.4 updated for Plan B published
02/21/25 Final Competition Map v.2 with two levels in West Wing and Problem 1 in the Practice Gym.
CONGRATULATIONS! See you all at HARO Competition!
02/22/25 HARO Regional scores are available.
General Resources:
Link to Team Forms.
Link to List of Prohibited items.
List of Exempt and Assigned Value Items for your Cost Form.
Link to List of Concessions (coming mid-February).
Tournament Information Packet (“TIP”)
This document contains all the procedural and practical information that the coach and parents need to know about the tournament. Share it with parents and come prepared.
Tournament Visitor Guide
This quick visitor guide can be easily shared with parents or extended family looking for informaiton about what to watch and what to do while at the tournament. The full Tournament Program is posted further below.
Weigh-In Procedures for Problem 4 teams (Save Me Structure)
The team schedule will indicate a specific weigh-in time for teams. One (or more) team member(s) go on or before the specific weigh-in time with their structure(s).
Team Schedule
This document contains the schedule of teams performances and spontaneous competition. The printable version will include a venue color to make it easier on the day, as well as individual times for team check-in and props allowed in building. Please make a note of your venue color (i.e. red, or blue).
School Access and Parking
Please ensure that all adults in your team get a copy of this document. It shows access to the school with drop-off options and parking.
School Site map
This document contains the location of each competition venue within the school, as well as services and general information. Each adult in your group should have a copy. Please download close to competition again for the latest version and share with all team parents. We will not have printed copies on-site.
The first page if the map is ready, showing what we call the West Wing, where problem 3,4,5 & Primary will take place. Also team check-in, paperwork check, volunteers, and more. Maps of other buildings coming soon.
Team Members Certificates (now available)
Competitive Teams: Template for Personalized Team Member Certificates are available, by long-term problem. Download them to your computer and then fill the PDF fields with the team member name, coach name and school name. Then Print! You may do so at your convenience before or after the competition.
Primary Teams: Personalized Certificates for Primary teams will be printed and handed out at competition, after each team performance.
Tournament Program
Here is an electronic copy of our Competition program. You can print your own copies to share with the family ahead of time.
NOTE: Subject to change.