Welcome, Judges and Officials at the TX State Competition.

Judge Registration is now closed for the State competition.

Thank you for your service.


EXPERIENCED Judges from the 2025 Regional Competitions

Judges are asked to advance to the State tournament 3 days after Regionals. [Due to delay in launching Judge Registration, the deadline is now March 4th].

Just like at regionals, coaches should NOT register on behalf of judges. Judges must register themselves in order to agree to the terms and conditions of the State competition.

ALL judges from the Houston region are required to also serve at the State competition, because they are “local”. It is part of their team qualifications.

Judges from Central TX and North TX are only required to serve if the team they represent advances to the State Competition.

ADVANCE: Locate your confirmation email from when you registered for Regionals, it contains “TXOM Judge Registration” in the Subject line. Scroll to the bottom and click on “Edit My Response”. All your previous information will be preloaded. You only have to update 2-3 questions and submit.

RE-APPLY: If you cannot locate your confirmation email, you have the option to submit a new sign-up here. You can ONLY register if you are a trained judge and have judged this year at Regionals.

You will mostly remain in the same problem/group where you served at Regionals, but Judge Positions will be adjusted by the Problem Captains to accommodate the full judging pool from the three regions.

Deadline to register: March 4th, 2025

Don't forget your funny hats!

Don't forget your funny hats!

Judges/Officials Traveling from outside Houston


We have several hotel block booking for out of town State judges and teams. We have two nearby hotels with rooms for Judges & Officials.

You can receive reimbursement for some expenses whether you opt for any of the group booking or make your own arrangements. You can also request a shared occupancy (2 persons) room, in our pre-paid block of rooms, by sending an email to the Judge Coordinator.
Check the State Judge Hotel/Travel web page for more details.

Need Help?

For assistance, email the State Judge Coordinator at statejudge@txodyssey.org