Volunteer Area
for Regional Tournaments
For ALL Region competitions, SIMPLIFIED PROCESS in 2025. Just select your job/hours and provide your team information for team credit.
Update 2/11/25: All Job selection sign-ups are now open for all Regions.
Related links:
This is the place for teams to register their untrained Volunteers for their regional tournament.
HOUSTON Competition: We will open job selection around Jan 20th.
Update 1/21/25: Primary Team Volunteer Jobs are open
Update 1/24/25: Pre-and Post-Tournament jobs are open. Other jobs on the day will be available as soon as the team schedule is available, so that you can select a job that does not conflict with your team performance.
Update 2/10/25: Since the preliminary team schedule is published, all competition day jobs are now available for selection.
What is an untrained volunteer?
Each team provides one or two volunteers depending on the Region. Most jobs are on tournament day, and they span from 3 to 4 hours. Some examples of jobs are putting up signage and set-up, icing drinks, selling merchandise, judge hospitality area, hallway monitors, pin inventory, tear-down, awards set-up.
In Central TX Region, volunteers work a 2-3 hour shift with times varying from 8 am to the end of competition.
In Houston Area Region Odyssey (HARO), untrained volunteers work a 2 to 4-hour shift that can start at different times. They are not the same as trained Tournament Staff (TS). Volunteers are provided by/credited to the Team, whereas TS are assigned a larger responsibility and are provided by/credited to the School/Membership.
Untrained Volunteer Registration
Step 1: Gather All Information
Team Membership Name
Problem #
Division #
Coach Name as well for Primary teams
Step 2: When to sign-up
Please refer to the calendar web page for Volunteer Registration dates. Each TX Region has a different link and different timeline.
We need time to organize our Volunteers! You can select your task later.
Please register as a volunteer by the posted deadline for your specific region for your team credit.
Step 3: Volunteer Confirmation Email
Print and Save your Volunteer Confirmation email.
No confirmation email? You aren't registered!!! You will receive a VOLUNTEER confirmation email after you successfully register. (The email can take up to an hour or two to be sent.) If you do not receive a confirmation email, please check your spam folder. (For questions, please contact houstonvols@txodyssey.org or your Regional Director).
If you know that your email provider has a strong spam blocker, you may want to add “mail@signup.com” to your contacts list [before you register] and keep them until the tournament.
Step 4. Pick your Volunteer Task
Central Region volunteers will pick tasks here (coming in February 2025).
North Region volunteers can pick tasks here (coming soon).
HARO Volunteers - Simplified process below opening Jan 20th:
Half-Day volunteers representing PRIMARY teams can select eligible jobs here . Don’t forget to add school and coach name for team credit. Note: in 2025 all Primary teams will perform between 1 pm and 4 pm. Volunteers can select a job outside of these hours.
Please help us with our pin and shirt order packaging this Saturday
Feb 15th. Also unloading our truck the Sunday after competition.
You get the same team credit! Jobs available in the
Pre/Post Competition jobs list.
Untrained volunteers representing COMPETITIVE teams (Problems 1-5) teams can select eligible jobs here.
There are two lists to choose from. The Pre/Post competition jobs list, includes jobs on other days. It also includes early bird jobs before any competition, as well as late jobs between competition and awards ceremony.
Pre- and Post- competition jobs will be posted in January. Competition day jobs will open in early February, when the team schedule is published, but you may preview them in advance.
Guidelines for job selection
For jobs on competition day, parents pick a job during their down time. Make sure that it does not conflict with your team performance. You will not be able to take a break. Guidelines:
- If your performance is in the morning, your volunteer time must start at least one hour after your performance time.
- If your performance is in the afternoon, your volunteer time must end no later than 30 minutes before your performance time.
- parents and coaches do not attend the spontaneous portion of the competition. It is OK to schedule a volunteer job during that time.Select your task by February 10th 14th, 2025 but the longer you wait, the fewer choices you will have.
If you do not select a task yourself by the deadline, the Volunteer Coordinator will assign your team a task, around your team's long-term schedule. Choices will be more limited then.