Tournament Staff Information

This section is for Houston Area competition only.

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Welcome prospective Tournament Staff! You are visiting this web page because you are curious or interested to help our wonderful program or represent a school that has 4 or more teams at a Houston tournament.  Either way, thank you!

So, what does a Tournament Staff (“TS”) do? As you may be aware, we are a 100% volunteer organization. Everyone at the tournament is a volunteer. We have, in the last few years, drastically outgrown our administrative team in Houston and decided to break our huge task into smaller, manageable jobs. This is what a TS does. TS are volunteers at the school level, in addition to team volunteers. Several jobs are ahead of the tournament. A TS who has a job on tournament day typically supervises several 2-hr volunteers and ensures continuity throughout the day and the TS can take a break to watch their own child’s team perform.

Does my school/membership need to provide a TS? If your school has registered 4 or more teams for the HARO tournament, check the team qualifications for HARO to determine how many TS you need to provide.

Some coordinators pick a specific job and then fill it in; others may choose to find volunteers first and let them pick their own job.

Key Dates

Deadline to register as a TS (step 4 below) January 20th, 2025.

Two orientation dates to choose from:
a) Monday, Jan 20, 2025 (MLK Day) - from 4 to 6 pm (4 slots), 
b) Sunday, Feb 9, 2025 - from 4 to 6 pm (4 slots)

How to become a TS?

Step 1: Click on TS job descriptions for HARO. This is NOT the same job list as Untrained Volunteers.

Step 2: Review the options available. You can sign up by email when you find a job to your liking to lock it in.

Step 3: Email to rsvp for one of the orientation sessions for TS, indicating your school's name. In addition to the 30-minute conference call orientation, some jobs may require a quick meeting to hand over materials.

TS orientations are hosted by Lilian Wannall, Region Director for HARO. RSVP is required. TS who are returning to fill the same position as last year can be exempt from TS orientation if they do not need to pick-up materials. Please contact us to confirm.

Step 4:  Register in the TS form to enter all contact information and provide your school with credit.

You make our life so much easier - thank you!