The 2025 TX State competition will take place on March 29th (all day) at San Jacinto College, South Campus, 13735 Beamer Rd, Houston, TX 77089
Join us for our Team Mixer, on Friday evening, March 28th. It is a team party sponsored by TXOM, also hosted at San Jacinto College.
The competition is followed by our Awards ceremony (around 6:30 pm based on team schedule) and a short briefing for coaches and families going to World Finals.
We are compiling a lot of information to answer questions you may have, whether you are a Coach, Volunteer or Visitor. Please browse all the documentation provided and check again frequently as we will be updating these pages with links starting March 4th. We anticipate latest versions to be published Friday evening, March 20th for coaches to finalize their binder.
Document updates will be listed here, leading up to Tournament Day. Please share with your team families.
02/26/25 Team Registration is now open for advancing teams, click here. Judge registration will open very soon.
02/26/25 We published Hotels with block bookings for Odyssey of the Mind teams and judges. Click on Hotels.
02/26/25 Coaches Checklist for State is updated. Click here.
02/27/25 Judge Registration is now open. Information here. Registration is extended to March 4th, 2025. Our apologies for the delay.
02/28/25 We start publishing Team Status for State, to help coaches verify their progress. Click on button below frequently to verify your team’s qualification status.
03/01/25 At the conclusion of the last regional competition, we have published a list of all teams advancing to State.
03/03/25 Publishing Site map for San Jacinto College Competition sites.
03/04/25 Team Status for State updated frequently this week with a lot of registrations and updates.
03/04/25 Publishing the Team Mixer Flyer.
03/08/25 Publishing the Access & Parking map for Team Mixer and Competition.
03/10/25 Updated site map indicating separate venues for P3 & P5 competitions.
03/11/25 Update Judge Travel reimbursement information and links. Ask your judges to start here.
Info for visitors
Our 2025 tournament is open to the public. Teams are encouraged to watch other problems during their down time. In smaller venues, team families have right of way for seating capacity. The Tournament Program is intended for visitors, and spectators. It includes locations, opening hours, facilities and general information.
Info for coach & teams
Welcome to the TX State Tournament.
In addition to detailed documents we are compiling with preparation on-the-day tournament information, here is a quick set of answers to Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: We advanced to State. What do we do now?
A: We have a checklist to help you navigate the process. It is condensed into few days but mostly a repeat of Regionals preparation. View details here. You can confirm if your registration, payment, judge and volunteer are processed by clicking on this link below. Data is updated frequently around the respective deadlines.
Q: When is my team competing?
A: The team schedule will be published about 2-3 weeks before tournament. If you have a conflict due to travel, student exams, or other qualifying conflict, please provide details in the “schedule” box of your team registration - before we start scheduling.
Teams from out of town may request morning or afternoon slots based on hotel accommodation. We may not be able to accommodate ALL the North and Central region teams on Saturday afternoon so please submit your scheduling requests by March 13th at the latest. Please consider that the Awards Ceremony at the State tournament is a big event as it leads to teams advancing to World Finals, you may not want to miss that.
Q: What is the Team Mixer?
A: Odyssey of the Mind invites all local and traveling teams to join our Mixer Party at San jacinto College, outside the Fine Arts Building, on Friday evening, March 28th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The team and coach(es) eat for free, other guests are welcome, and can optionally pay $12 to cover the cost of food (pizza type).
Hint: This is an ideal time for a parent to volunteer with site set-up.
Q: Can we see our performance site on Friday night?
A: Guided tours of performance site are discontinued. Teams can look at performance site on Saturday morning.
Q: Where does the team go?
A: The Tournament Information Packet ("TIP") will outline all the information that you need to know. Forms to prepare, procedure for props, what happens, where, when, etc.
A coach walk-through session is open to all coaches on Tuesday, March 18th at 7:30 pm. No rsvp needed. We will present the information in the “TIP” and answer questions. Join us through a computer or tablet for the presentation and Q&A. Check our website calendar for details closer to the time.Q: What forms does the coach prepare for Team Registration:
The competition forms (here), same or modified since Regionals.
The new WF Shirts Form (coming soon). All teams must fill in this form and submit a single copy of this form at team registration. Keep a copy/photo for your records. For teams that advance to World Finals, it will help our WF Committee quickly prepare a package of free WF shirts that will be handed over after Awards. These are special shirts to be worn only at the WF Awards ceremony in Iowa.
Q: Can we watch the teams compete?
A: Teams are encouraged to watch other problems during their down time. In smaller venues, team families have right of way. We also encourage team members to browse props and costumes of other teams and socialize in the cafeteria.
Q: Who goes to the Awards Ceremony?
A: The Awards Ceremony will take place on-site, at the end of the tournament (Approximately 6:00pm.) Teams and families are invited to attend. This is a free event.
There will be a short briefing for advancing teams so please stay after the end.
An additional Q&A session is arranged for families who attend World Finals (WF) for the first time. Wednesday, April 2nd at 7:30 pm. Check our website calendar for details closer to the time.
Q: Other team activities
A: On tournament day, we will set up a table with crafts. We ask that teams stop by between 10 am and 1 pm to fill in a personal thank-you card for our volunteer judges and Officials.
Q: Is there food & drink available for purchase?
A: There will be concessions available on-site for purchase. Snacks, lunch, water, drinks. Please bring cash.