Team Registration for State (STEP-BY-STEP)

Advance your team registration from Region to State. 

Step 1

All regions: at most 7 days after your regional tournament

  • Only teams that have advanced to State can register at the State level.

  • Locate your confirmation email from your original Team Registration for Regionals. It contains the phrase “TXOM Team Registration” in the subject.

  • Scroll to the very bottom and click on the “Edit the response” link.

  • Your original registration information will be provided. Please read instructions on the form, there are two additional questions.

  • Complete the registration for State. Verify that you get a confirmation email within one hour.

  • Lost your confirmation email? You must re-enter ALL the information using this link. Your team roster must contain all the members that were registered for your Regionals.

Step 2

Do you need an official invoice for multiple teams? Request it from within 3 days of your regional tournament in order to make a timely payment. We can only issue an invoice for registered teams so please ask your coaches to register promptly. It takes two minutes to register.

Step 3

State Tournament Fee DUE BY: March 10th, 2025.

If paying Competition Fee by P.O., email copy of approved P.O. to by March 6th.

  • Write out a CHECK or pay by credit card

  • Provide the following information at the same time.

  • Membership/School Name

  • Problem

  • Division

  • Coach Name