Team Registration for State (STEP-BY-STEP)
Advance your team registration from Region to State.
Step 1
All regions: at most 7 days after your regional tournament
Only teams that have advanced to State can register at the State level.
Locate your confirmation email from your original Team Registration for Regionals. It contains the phrase “TXOM Team Registration” in the subject.
Scroll to the very bottom and click on the “Edit the response” link.
Your original registration information will be provided. Please read instructions on the form, there are two additional questions.
Complete the registration for State. Verify that you get a confirmation email within one hour.
Lost your confirmation email? You must re-enter ALL the information using this link. Your team roster must contain all the members that were registered for your Regionals.
Step 2
Do you need an official invoice for multiple teams? Request it from within 3 days of your regional tournament in order to make a timely payment. We can only issue an invoice for registered teams so please ask your coaches to register promptly. It takes two minutes to register.
Step 3
State Tournament Fee DUE BY: March 10th, 2025.
If paying Competition Fee by P.O., email copy of approved P.O. to by March 6th.
Write out a CHECK or pay by credit card
Provide the following information at the same time.
Membership/School Name
Coach Name