State Tournament Team Qualification
Primary teams do not participate in the TX State tournament.
To be qualified for the on-site TX State Tournament, competitive teams must complete the following general steps:
Advancing Team. At the regional tournament, Directors will announce which teams are advancing to the State tournament by rank. Rules are based on number of teams from each region, advancing procedures are reviewed every year in January.
Primary Teams do not advance to the State tournament.Teams that do not belong to an active TX region are welcome to participate directly at the State level in one problem per team.
Register Online. Complete online TEAM registration for the State tournament and receive a confirmation email.
Deadline: 7 days after the Regional tournament OR 14 days before the State tournament, whichever is earliest.One Judge* per Team.
From Central TX and North TX Regions: The judge that represented the team must advance the Judge Registration to State. No changes in judges allowed between Region and State. Financial assistance is provided to trained judges traveling from out of region, per current Officials reimbursement policy.
From HARO: All judges representing competitive teams must advance the Judge Registration to State.
Deadline to register: 3 days after the Regional tournament OR 14 days before the State tournament, whichever is earliest.Teams that participate directly in the TX State tournament (without regional competitions) must ensure that their judge is trained with a Regional tournament judges in the early spring.
One Untrained Volunteer per team: Each competitive team must provide one untrained person to volunteer for 2-3 hours for the State tournament. It can be a different volunteer at State than at Region. Jobs can be pre-selected or assignments will be given the week before the tournament.
Each untrained volunteer must check in at the volunteer check-in desk at the State tournament for their team to obtain proper credit.Payment. State tournament payment must be received by the published deadline. See Tournament Fee Payment Information for details.
Deadline: 7 days after the Regional tournament OR 14 days before the State tournament, whichever is earliest.If a team has a scheduling request (including participation in more than one problem); they must submit it writing at the time of registering the team roster when the team starts working on the long-term solution. Also, they must check with the Tournament Director two weeks in advance of competition to make sure the request can be accommodated to the extent possible.
Multi-problem participation at State will only be accepted if the entire team participates and if the schedule allows it (maximum two problems), even if teams were able to do so at Regionals.