Judge Registration to a Regional Competition
Step 1 for Team Judges: Gather All Information from the Team Coach:
School Name for the team you will represent.
Problem and Division that the represented team is solving.
Location of the Regional Tournament.
Main Coach's Name and Email Address.
Also obtain this information for any other relatives of yours that are on other teams.
Judges must be over 18 years old and cannot be team coaches.
If you do not know this information please contact the team coach.
Skip to Step 2 below.
Step 1 for Community Judges: Determine which Tournament
TX Central is the region covering Austin, San Antonio greater regions.
TX North is the region covering the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area & Tyler.
TX Houston Area tournament is named "HARO".
If you do not know what region tournament is closest to you geographically, please contact statejudge@txodyssey.org
Step 2: Register Online
At next window, make sure that you select the correct regional tournament. Judges should NOT register for the State tournament until after the Region tournament takes place.
Also, we use Google Meet for our virtual judge training, if you also use Google Meet professionally, your account will interfere with our judge screening, please use a personal email to register.
NOW OPEN: Judge Registration for all Regionals.
Step 3: Judge Confirmation Email
After you successfully submit your form, there is a link on the confirmation page to Edit your Response. Save this link. You will need it to make any revisions and to advance to the State Competition.
The Body of the email confirmation also includes the link to Edit your Response in the future.
Save your Judge Confirmation email attachment with a “.pdf” extension. You can open it with any PDF viewer and print it.
Information to note in this confirmation:
Verify date, time, and location of judges training.
Be sure to follow all the steps needed to prepare for judges training, including General Training online (where applicable) prior to specific Problem Training.
Know date, time, and location of the regional competition that you will be judging at.
No confirmation email? Check your spam folder!!! You will receive a JUDGE confirmation email within one hour, after you successfully register. If you do not receive a confirmation email, check with your local OM contact. Next, you can contact statejudge@txodyssey.org